Use Case 1: Sign In

Primary Actors

  • Admin
  • Manager


To allow the admin, manager, or customer to sign in to the system.


The user must have a valid account and is on the sign-in page.


The user is must authenticated and granted access to the system based on their role.


The user enters their credentials and clicks the sign-in button.

Basic Flow

  • The system displays the sign-in page with option to select the role (admin, manager, or customer).
  • The user selects the role (admin, manager, or customer).
  • The user enters their username and password.
  • If the user selects the customer role, the system asks for the table ID.
  • The user clicks the sign-in button.
  • If the user is an admin, the system logs in the user and redirects to the admin dashboard.
  • If the user is a manager, the system logs in the user and redirects to the manager dashboard.

Alternative Flow

  • None


  • Users should sign in quickly and securely, even with multiple sign-ins happening at once.
  • If credentials are incorrect, show a helpful, clear error message.
  • The user experience should be smooth and responsive on any device.

Exception Flow

  • If the user enters invalid credentials, the system displays an error message and prompts the user to try again.

Use Case 2: Sign Out

Primary Actors

  • Admin
  • Manager
  • Customer


To allow the admin, manager, or customer to sign out of the system.


The user is must logged in to the system and is on the settings page.


The user is must logged out of the system and redirected to the sign-in page.


The user clicks the sign-out button.

Basic Flow

  • The user goes to the settings page.
  • The user clicks the sign-out button.
  • If the user is a customer, the system asks for manager’s password to confirm sign out.
  • The user enters the manager’s password.
  • The system logs out the user and redirects to the sign-in page.

Alternative Flow

  • If the user is an admin or manager, the system logs out the user and redirects to the sign-in page.


  • Signing out should be quick and simple for users.
  • The system should handle multiple sign-outs smoothly without issues.

Exception Flow

  • If the user cancels the sign-out process, the system remains on the settings page.
  • If the user enters an incorrect password, the system displays an error message and prompts the user to try again.
  • If the user is a customer, then he needs manager permission to sign-out.

Use Case 3: Browse Menu

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to browse the restaurant’s menu.


The customer is must seated at the table with the system in customer mode.


The customer must view the menu items and select items to view details.


The customer selects one of the main menu categories.

Basic Flow

  • The customer selects a category from the navigation pane.
  • The customer can scroll through the list and view details of each item.

Alternative Flow

  • If the customer needs assistance, they can call for help using the system.


  • The interface should be easy to use, clear to read, and accessible to everyone.
  • Customers should be able to switch between categories and view items effortlessly.
  • The system should work smoothly, even with many people browsing at the same time.

Exception Flow

  • If an item is out of stock, the system displays a notification to inform the customer.
  • Customers can call for help if they have any issues with the menu.

Use Case 4: Browse Deals and Promotions

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to view available deals and promotions.


The customer is must seated at the table with the system in customer mode.


The customer can view details of available deals and promotions.


The customer clicks on the “Home” button from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The user navigates to the deals and promotions section in homepage.
  • The user can scroll through the carousel of deals and promotions.
  • The user can taps on a deal to view more details.

Alternative Flow

  • The customer can call for help if they have any issues with the deals or promotions.


  • Promotional details should be clear, with easy options to learn more or go straight to checkout.
  • Real-time promotions should be shown accurately, with no inconsistencies.
  • Customers should be able to add promotional items to their cart without any issues.

Exception Flow


Use Case 5: Add Item to Cart

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to add an item to the cart.


The customer must have selected an item from the menu.


The item is must added to the cart.


The customer selects the ”+” button to open the add to cart dialog.

Basic Flow

  • The customer selects an item from the menu by tapping on ’+’ icon.
  • The customer selects the size and quantity of the item.
  • The customer chooses any additional toppings or customizations.
  • The customer confirms the order by clicking the “Add to Cart” button.

Alternative Flow

  • The customer can cancel the order by clicking the “Cancel” button.


  • Choosing size, quantity, and toppings should be easy and responsive.
  • Items should appear in the cart instantly, with no lag.
  • Even if multiple customers add items at the same time, there should be no issues or conflicts.

Exception Flow

  • If the customer tries to add an item that is out of stock, the system displays an error message.
  • Customers can call for help if they have any issues with their order.

Use Case 6: Place Order

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to place an order.


The customer must have items in the cart.


The order is must sent to the manager’s interface for processing.


The customer clicks the “Pay price” button to complete the order.

Basic Flow

  • The customer navigates to the cart page.
  • The customer reviews the order and clicks the “Pay price” button.
  • The system processes the payment and sends the order to the manager.
  • The customer receives a confirmation by placing the order in “Orders” section.

Alternative Flow

  • The customer can remove items from the cart before placing the order.


  • Customer orders should be processed quickly and securely.
  • After placing an order, customers should get clear confirmation and an estimated wait time.
  • Customers should easily edit or remove items before finalizing their order.

Exception Flow

  • If there are no items in the cart, the system displays a message indicating no items to order.
  • If the payment fails, the system displays an error message and prompts the customer to try again.
  • Customers can call for help if they have any issues with their order.

Use Case 7: View Order Status

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to view the status of their order.


The customer must have placed an order.


The customer can track the progress of their order.


The customer clicks on the “Orders” section.

Basic Flow

  • The system displays the list of current and past orders.
  • The system shows the status of each order (e.g., estimated time, ready, completed).

Alternative Flow



  • Customers should get real-time updates on their order status.
  • The system should handle many users checking their orders at the same time without any issues.

Exception Flow

  • If there are no current orders, the system displays a message indicating no orders in progress.
  • Customers can call for help if they have any issues with their order.

Use Case 8: Call for Help

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to call for help from the waitstaff.


The customer must need assistance.


The waitstaff is must notified of the customer’s request for help.


The customer clicks on the “Call for Help” button.

Basic Flow

  • The customer taps on the “Call for Help” button.
  • The system displays the call for help dialog.
  • The customer waits for the waitstaff to respond.

Alternative Flow



  • Waitstaff should be notified quickly to ensure a prompt response.
  • The system should manage multiple help requests smoothly, without delays or mix-ups.

Exception Flow

  • If the waitstaff does not respond promptly, the customer can try calling again.
  • If the issue is urgent, the customer can call the restaurant directly.
  • If the customer’s issue is resolved, they can cancel the call for help.

Use Case 9: Provide Feedback

Primary Actor



To allow the customer to provide feedback on their dining experience.


The manager must have changed the order status to “Completed.”


The feedback is must submitted for review.


The customer clicks on the “Write a Review” button.

Basic Flow

  • The customer taps on the “Rate this item” button.
  • The system displays the review dialog with option to rate the meal.
  • The customer selects a star rating.
  • The customer taps on the “Submit” button to submit the feedback.

Alternative Flow



  • Feedback should be securely submitted and stored.
  • Star ratings and text fields should be user-friendly and responsive.

Exception Flow

  • The customer can cancel the review process if they change their mind.

Use Case 10: Manage Orders

Primary Actor



To allow the manager to oversee and manage customer orders.


The manager is must logged in to the system.


The manager can track order status such as in-progress, ready, completed or, close the order.


The manager clicks on the “Orders” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The manager navigates to the orders page.
  • The manager changes the status of an order (e.g., from in-progress to ready).
  • The manager closes an order once it is completed.

Alternative Flow



  • The system should show orders in real time, so managers can track them without delays.
  • Managers should be able to change order statuses smoothly, with updates for customers happening right away.
  • The system should manage multiple orders at the same time without any data conflicts.

Exception Flow


Use Case 11: Order History

Primary Actor



To allow the manager to view the history of customer orders.


The manager is must logged in to the system.


The manager can access past orders for reporting and analysis.


The manager clicks on the “History” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The manager navigates to the order history page.
  • The manager can view details of each order, including items, total price, and customer feedback.

Alternative Flow



  • The order history should be thorough, giving managers access to all relevant details.
  • The system should load order history data quickly, even when dealing with large amounts of information.

Exception Flow

  • If there are no past orders, the system displays a message indicating no history available.

Use Case 12: Manage Availability of Menu Items

Primary Actor



To allow the manager to monitor and update the availability of menu items.


The manager is must logged in to the system.


The manager can update the availability of menu items by marking them as in-stock or out-of-stock.


The manager clicks on the “Menu” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The manager navigates to the menu page.
  • The manager can update the availability status of menu items (e.g., in stock, out of stock).

Alternative Flow



  • The system should let managers update menu item availability instantly, with no delays.
  • The interface should be user-friendly, making it easy to view and change the status of multiple items quickly.
  • Availability updates should be shown right away for customers browsing the menu.

Exception Flow


Use Case 13: Manage Menu

Primary Actor



To allow the admin to manage the restaurant’s menu.


The admin is must logged in to the system.


The admin can add, edit, or delete menu items.


The admin clicks on the “Products” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The admin navigates to the menu management page.
  • The admin can add a new item to the menu.
  • The admin can edit the details of an existing item.
  • The admin can delete an item from the menu.

Alternative Flow



  • The system should enable admins to manage the menu efficiently, with changes showing up in real time.
  • The interface should allow for fast navigation, sorting, and searching of menu items.

Exception Flow

  • If the admin tries to update or delete an item that is associated with an active order, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to delete an item that is part of a promotional deal, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to add an item that already exists in the menu, the system displays an error message.

Use Case 14: Manage Promotional Deals

Primary Actor



To allow the admin to manage promotional deals.


The admin is must logged in to the system.


The admin can create, edit, or delete promotional deals.


The admin clicks on the “Deals” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The admin navigates to the deals and promotions page.
  • The admin can create a new deal by specifying the details.
  • The admin can edit the details of an existing deal.
  • The admin can delete a deal from the list.

Alternative Flow



  • Promotions should update instantly in the customer interface.
  • Protects deals linked to active orders from deletion and provides clear warnings.
  • The system should handle multiple users managing deals at the same time without any issues.

Exception Flow

  • If the admin tries to delete a deal that is associated with an active order, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to create a deal with the same name as an existing deal, the system displays an error message.

Use Case 15: Manage User Accounts

Primary Actor



To allow the admin to manage user accounts.


The admin is must logged in to the system.


The admin can add, edit, or delete user accounts.


The admin clicks on the “Accounts” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The admin navigates to the user account management page.
  • The admin can add a new user account by specifying the details such as name, role, and password.
  • The admin can edit the details of an existing user account.
  • The admin can delete a user account from the list.

Alternative Flow



  • The system should enable user account management with as few steps as possible, making onboarding quick and easy.
  • Account details should be handled securely, with role-based access enforced throughout the system.

Exception Flow

  • If the admin tries to delete an account that is associated with a branch, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to create an account with the same username as an existing account, the system displays an error message.

Use Case 16: Manage Branches

Primary Actor



To allow the admin to manage multiple restaurant branches.


The admin is must logged in to the system.


The admin can add, edit, or delete branch information.


The admin clicks on the “Branches” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The admin navigates to the branch management page.
  • The admin can add a new branch by specifying the details such as branch name, address, and contact information.
  • The admin can edit the details of an existing branch.
  • The admin can delete a branch from the list.

Alternative Flow



  • The system should allow for efficient management of multiple branches, with updates happening in real time.
  • Branch data should be easy to edit and manage, featuring clear options for sorting and searching.

Exception Flow

  • If the admin tries to delete a branch that is associated with active orders or user accounts, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to add a branch with the same name or address as an existing branch, the system displays an error message. The admin is logged in to the system.

Use Case 17: Manage Table Assignments

Primary Actor



To allow the admin to manage table assignments.


The admin is must logged in to the system.


The admin can assign tables to specific branches.


The admin clicks on the “Tables” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The admin navigates to the table assignment page.
  • The admin can assign a table to a specific branch.
  • The admin can reassign a table to a different branch.
  • The admin can remove a table assignment.

Alternative Flow



  • The table assignment process should be fast and easy to use, with updates happening in real time.
  • The system should handle table assignments and reassignments promptly, with no delays.
  • It should prevent assigning tables to branches that don’t exist.

Exception Flow

  • If the admin tries to assign a table that is already assigned, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to remove a table assignment that is associated with active orders, the system displays a warning message.
  • If the admin tries to assign a table to a branch that does not exist, the system displays an error message.

Use Case 18: Change Theme

Primary Actors

  • Admin
  • Manager
  • Customer


To allow users to change the theme of the application.


The user is must logged in to the system.


The user’s theme preference must be updated.


The user clicks on the “Settings” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The user navigates to the settings page.
  • The user can select the desired theme (e.g., light, dark, default).

Alternative Flow

  • Managers and admins can change the theme for the entire system.

Quality Requirements

  • Immediate and final application of theme changes.
  • Theme changes should not affect application functionality or performance.
  • Prevents conflicts with ongoing sessions during theme changes.

Exception Flow


Use Case 19: View Privacy Policy

Primary Actors

  • Admin
  • Manager
  • Customer


To allow users to view the privacy policy of the application.


The user is must logged in to the system.


The user can access the privacy policy.


The user clicks on the “Settings” section from the navigation pane.

Basic Flow

  • The user navigates to the settings page.
  • The user clicks on the privacy policy link to view the policy.

Alternative Flow


Quality Requirements

  • The system should ensure that the privacy policy is displayed in a secure, read-only format.

Exception Flow
